Making the Grade!

27 10 2009

Have you ever wondered how you stack up as it pertains to where you are in God and where you should be?  I realize that the word of God is like a mirror, when we read it we see our reflection and how we stack up to God’s requirements.  I don’t like mirrors, because I do not like the reflection I see so I tend to stay away from them!  Many people are exactly the same as it pertains to the word of the Lord, and so they stay away from a daily devotional life for fear that they might have to make a change.

As I go forward I realize that I cannot avoid my reflection in the light of His Glory and Grace and it makes me strive to make the Grade and to reach the mark of the high calling of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  So today I make a decision to allow my image to shine through the daily reading of the word of God and allow my flaws and mistakes to shine through because as the probes of Heaven shine we come to the place of repentance and CHANGE!

So as we go through life it’s ok to ask the question am I making the grade as it pertains to God’s word?  God’s word is the standard to which we measure our success!  My prayer is Lord please help me do better and reach toward the mark and the prize of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus!




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